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new york city grand central station new york on mute

    New York on Mute

    See how we used Pella® Lifestyle Series windows to mute the noisiest city in America.

    Noise Pollution is Harmful to Your Health

    Is outside noise from traffic, construction or people keeping you up at night?

    At the first-of-its-kind pop-up home in the heart of Grand Central Terminal, Pella is taking on the classic sounds of New York. We are measuring how much noise our sound-reducing Pella Lifestyle Series windows can keep out.

    97% of the U.S. population is exposed to harmful levels of noise.

      97% of the U.S. population is exposed to harmful levels of noise.22

      9 of 10 adults in New York are exposed to noise levels that exceed the EPA's limit.

        9 of 10 adults in New York are exposed to noise levels that exceed the EPA's limit.23

        Interior Design Can Fight Noise, Too

        layer rugs on hardwood floors

          Layer rugs on hardwood floors to dampen footsteps and noise echoing in your home.

          hang curtains made from heavy fabric to reduce noise

            Hang curtains made from heavier fabrics to help block sound and light. Use windows and doors with between-the-glass options to improve performance.

            add art to appeal to your eyes and ears.

              Add art to appeal to your eyes and ears. Paintings and wall hangings like macrame can soak up sound.

              What's Your Biggest Noise Complaint?

              barking dog icon

                Barking Dogs

                construction icon


                  garbage truck icon

                    Garbage Trucks

                    airplane icon


                      lawn mower icon

                        Lawn Mowers

                        traffic icon


                          lifestyle series nursery blue walls white crib

                            Noise-Reducing Windows for a Healthier Home

                            Pella Lifestyle Series products help keep the good noise in and the bad noise out. They are the #1 performing wood window and patio door for the combination of energy, sound and value.16 And offer performance options that reduce 52% more sound20 and are on average 79% more energy efficient17 than single-pane windows.

                            performance package illustration


                              Featuring a triple-pane glass design for a combination of both improved energy efficiency and sound performance, this package helps create a more comfortable home. This package is a good option for rooms that are frequently used.

                              lifestyle energy efficiency

                                Energy Efficiency

                                This package features a triple-pane glass design with upgraded AdvancedComfort Low-E glass for enhanced energy efficiency. Your home stays even warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, so you can feel comfortable year-round.

                                lifestyle sliding patio door with blinds between-the-glass
                                sound package

                                  Sound Control

                                  With a triple-pane glass design featuring mixed glass thicknesses for enhanced sound dampening, this glass helps disrupt sound waves for a quieter home and more calming space. This is the perfect option for nurseries and bedrooms.

                                  ultimate performance package

                                    Ultimate Performance

                                    For our best combination of energy and sound performance, this package features AdvancedComfort Low-E triple-pane glass and mixed glass thicknesses. This helps create an even quieter and more comfortable home, no matter where you live.

                                    Living room with lifestyle series hinged door and casement windows

                                      Find the Right Products for Your Home

                                      Pella Lifestyle Series is designed to deliver exceptional performance and let you create unique solutions for your home. Packed with 37 time-tested innovations like integrated blinds, shades and security sensors, we designed windows and patio doors to work for your life, room by room.