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    Sound Resistance

    Whether you live in a bustling big city or on a farm, miles away from your nearest neighbor, your windows and doors can help block out the noises that bother you.


      The Details Matter

      How Noise Reduction Windows Work

      It takes several parts of a window, working together, to help reduce the noise transmission and improve the sound performance in your home.

      Dual- or triple-pane glass. Insulating gas between the individual panes of glass acts as an insulator, dampening outside noises.

      Varying glass thicknesses. When different glass thicknesses are paired, they help dampen different sounds at different frequencies. Three panes of glass with mixed glass thickness improves sound control performance.

      Insulating window frames. Insulating frames help reduce noise transfer. Wood has natural insulating properties and insulates 1,750 times better than aluminum. Fiberglass windows have optional foam insulation to help reduce sound transmission. And quality vinyl frames have up to 18 insulating air chambers and optional foam insulation that help keep sound out.

      Proper installation. Proper installation helps ensure airtight seals and helps to keep the noise out.

      How well can you hear the outside noise?

      Choose Glass Thickness

      Choose a Sound

      Single-pane 23” x 59” casement window with standard glass thickness (STC 25/OITC 21). Triple-pane 23” x 59” casement window with 5 mm/3mm/4mm glass thickness (STC 36/OITC 31).

        sound package

          Lifestyle Series Stands Apart

          Premium Sound Performance

          Pella Lifestyle Series products offer optional sound control glass to deliver exceptional performance — helping reduce outside noises like traffic and lawnmowers. And with an exclusive sound control package, Lifestyle Series windows reduce 52% more noise than single pane windows.18 This helps deliver exceptional noise control for a quieter home.

          See Lifestyle Series Windows

          Pella Quality Sound Performance

          We created performance packages for Pella Lifestyle Series products that help you focus on what’s most important to you. Upgrade to triple-pane glass designs with these packages for improved performance.

          Performance – The Performance package helps improve your home’s energy efficiency and sound performance. On average, it is 71% more efficient and reduces 34% more noises than single-pane windows.17, 18

          Sound Control ­– The Sound Control package delivers exceptional noise control for a quieter home, with 52% noise reduction when compared to single pane windows.18

          Ultimate Performance – The Ultimate Performance package is our best combination of energy efficiency and sound control. Lifestyle Series windows with the ultimate performance package are 79% more energy efficient and reduce 52% more noises than single pane windows.17, 18

          woman closing sliding door in grand central station for new york on mute

            New York On Mute

            At the first-of-its-kind pop-up home in the heart of Grand Central Terminal, Pella is taking on the classic sounds of New York. We are measuring how much noise our sound-reducing windows can keep out.

            pella contractor installing new pella windows

              Window & Door Replacement

              Enhance curb appeal, improve energy efficiency and reduce outside noises with replacement windows and doors. 

              Explore the Pella Difference

              Explore What Pella has to Offer



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